Sunday, May 11, 2008


Today is Mother's Day and also Annie's 7th GotchaDay. Seven years ago today AuntBeth brought home a very scared and sad Annie who was not very happy about going anywhere new again. Those days are all forgotten now and she is a happy happy girl and of course a princess!! Personally, I love Annie and she loves me even though I sometimes step on her she still wags her tail at me and smiles so HAPPY GOTCHA DAY to Annie who is a sweet girl and a good sport! And also Happy Mother's Day to my Mama out there somewhere and just for her we're going to try to add a picture of mememememe. Oh ok it is above Annie but that's ok cause I am soooo handsome!!!

We love you Mama and would love to hear from you!!! Sometime soon would be nice!!!!

Monday, May 5, 2008


Hey guess what it's May!!!! I don't know what the heck Cinco de Mayo is but AuntBeth said she had to try to make me look Mexican. Of course I just look foolish but she doesn't care about that. But that's ok - I'll get even. Maybe I'll eat this toy - she hates that!! Or I could eat some of her new plants but really it's ok I know she loves me and is just trying to get my mama's attention because WE HAVEN'T HEARD FROM HER IN QUITE AWHILE!! So if you see me, please say hello. We hear we might even see you soon oh boy but that is almost too much to wish for so we will just keep wishing and hoping that you are safe and sending you all our love. WE MISS YOU!!!
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