Sunday, December 23, 2007


So now she's making me wear a stupid elf hat. I really am not an elf although I do find there are a lot of interesting things going on around here. Today AuntBeth brought A TREE in the house if you can imagine such a thing. I really thought she had lost it and it seemed to make her sooo happy. Then as if that was not enough, she put lights all over it and then later in the day the little humans who sometimes come here (I like them because they give me treats but they do wear me out taking me in the bedroom, taking me out back, playing with my toys, putting me to bed, getting me up, etc., etc.) came and they hung stuff alll over the tree. One good thing though is there are some stockings hanging from the fireplace and me and Teddy have figured out that 3 of them have treats in them and they might be bones!!

Ok well Merry Christmas to everybody especially my mama who is far away who I love and miss very much - please be careful out there!
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Friday, December 7, 2007

Who is this guy????

Bailey here. So she put this thing on me again and then I had to sit on this guy with the red suit and the white beard. Normally, I am a guy who is all about sitting on people, any people, but this guy was just a little too anxious if you know what I mean. I think he wanted to attach me to that big red sleigh he had outside and make me pull it or something! Fortunately, after a few flashes in the face and wriggling around, I got out of there. Whew. Then they made Annie do it but Teddy didn't have to because he's a big chicken so he stayed in the car.

Hope everybody's safe out there, especially you, mama!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

December 1st

Bailey here bloggin in. It's been awhile - we been busy and stuff but I wanted to let eberybody know that my leg/paw is all better now and I am back to my old self. Me and Teddy are back to hunting in the backyard. Today Teddy told me there was a bunny or something under the deck but we didn't find him. But I have been a very good boy. It's getting colder and colder now outside. AuntBeth says she might have to put a coat on me. Yuck. I sure hope it's not that one with the antlers. Well, I guess that's about it for now so see ya later. Miss you mama and hope you are safe. XOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXs from your boy.
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Friday, November 16, 2007


Helllllpppppmememe she's getting out the reindeer gear!!!!
I don't think I signed up for this.
I gave her kisses when she took it off so she won't put it on again.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday 11/14 saying hi... well in my sleep

Just wanted to post to say hi to my mama who commented on my blog a couple of days ago and who we miss very much and hope she is safe and doesn't have bugs or lizards in her house. I don't like bugs. I am still recovering from whatever happened to my paw/leg. The vetman xrayed it and felt it a lot which hurt and said no breaks but probably bruised on the paw and arthritis in my leg so now I have to take a pill in the morning (it tastes pretty good ssshhhhh well Annie knows cause she wants it) and we are not going to the park so I can rest it (yeahright). Last night AuntBeth did something really mean and took Annie and Teddy to the park and left Zoey and mememe here at the house! by ourselves!! and didn't take us!!! I did not like that at all and I even cried but i was ok as soon as they came home. I hope they don't ever do that again. AuntBeth starts her new job today. We hope she hates it and comes right back home where she belongs.
Take care, love,

Sunday, November 11, 2007


It's raining outside today so Annie pee'd in the laundry room because she does not like getting her paws wet outside and we think she made SOME ART!! It's a Basset Hound!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

This is Teddy's toy. It's a frog and it talks. It's the only toy he likes but, um..., well, I like it too!!! And this is the bed where Teddy usually sleeps too - he thinks it's his bed but , um... I like it too!! Today they are mine mine mine!!! I think AuntBeth feels sorry for me because I have a sore paw. It's the one by the frog. We are going to see the vetman (yuck) today to make sure it's going to be ok.
See you again soon...
xoxoxoxoxo BloggingBailey

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Canadian Invasion - Sunday Morning 11-4-07

I am all worn out from the Canadian Invasion which is some people who come here from Canada and take over Teddy's bedroom. They didn't bring us any treats but they do pet us a lot. Other than that they seem to be pretty useless. We have been very very good but we are very tired now. I wonder where all my toys are. Probably in the backyard again. I am too tired to go see and my paw has been a little sore. Annie and Teddy are tired too. I guess pretty much everybody is tired. I got a new bed. I like it a lot but so do Annie and Teddy. I saw that my mommy left me a comment yesterday. As always we hope she is ok and want her to know we are thinking about her and love her very much.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Here is Annie and Teddy being cute probably hoping for some treats or something cause it's Halloween. We had a nice time at the park this morning I played with Trooper and Sarah and then AuntBeth threw my ball for me a bunch of times we had fun well gotta go snooze where's my ball. Oh I forgot when we got home me and Teddy were hunting in the backyard and now AuntBeth's afraid to go out there cause she thinks maybe we killed something but I'm not telling hahahaha. TRICK OR TREAT???!!!!!
blogging bailey

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday, 10/30/07

This is our friend Zoey. She is old. She is coming here this week during the day to visit us I don't know why. She sleeps a lot. She found this old bed under a table that had a fake dog in it and she pushed the fake dog out of the way so she could sleep in that bed. She wanted to be in that room because that's where AuntBeth was doing stuff. She has her coat on cause she is cold. We love our Zoey. AuntBeth says she's known Zoey longer than any of us so we have to be very good to her. I try not to step on her and stuff but it's hard cause I am kind of a spaz. Ok well we went to the park and Trooper and Ollie and Ace and the poodles were there and we had fun. Now we have to have naps. Thanks for all your comments and HI MOM WE LOVE YOU!!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday Morning 10/29

Well here we are back in the chair. It was cold at the park this morning and the field where we play was all white with frost but we ranranran well I did anyway. Annie and Teddy prefer to socialize with the peoples but me I like the doggies. Today it was my bud Trooper and the 3 poodles - Charlie, Frances and Maddie. I don't know where everybody else was. We missed Sarah and Ollie and Ace. AuntBeth says Marco's mom and dad went to Cuba. Wonder if that's where my mom went?? Hi mom!!! We love you!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday Morning - 10/28/07

Here's me and Annie and Teddy in our favorite chair.
Today it is cold but not raining and we went to the park and played with Trooper and his sister Teaka but she doesn't runrun like us and Nike came with Lucas and Sarah was there the buppy named Daisy. When we were almost going back to the car Ollie and Ace came so then we stayed for a little so I could help Ollie find his ball. We are home now and it's warm in here. Me and Annie are having a nap together but HEY WE HAVEN'T HAD BREAKFAST YET!!!! gotta go bug AuntBeth

Saturday, October 27, 2007


UHOH AUNTBETH FOUND THE DEAD SQWERREL TODAY ... we thought she was going to pass out like the dancing star lady whew we are glad she didn't but where did she put our sqwerrel? Also I like to eat the water that comes out of the hose thing and she doesn't want me to do that. Why?

Saturday Park Report

We went to the park this morning. It was still kind of dark when we got there but then Trooper came and so I ranranran with him and Teddy ran some too and Annie wandered around and then lots of dogs came - Snickers, Daisy who is a new buppy I kept bonking into, Ollie and Ace, Henry who got his picture in the paper today for his Woody Hayes costume, and some other dogs we don't know all their names. When Trooper left AuntBeth threw my ball for me. I love my ball!

Well I'm having a nap with Teddy now. See ya soon zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

p.s. HI MOM!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Hi Mom!!!




please be safe out there

Friday morning 10/26

This is my mom. I don't know where she is but it looks like a fun park. We went to the park this morning. I played with Trooper and Ollie. I like to help them find their toys but I don't take them. We like to runrunrun. We got wet cause it was raining a little. We got some treats too. Then we got in the car and Aunt Beth was talking to Ollie's mom and a new dog came and he had a ball so I had to jump out of the car to help him find it but then Aunt Beth made me get back in so we could go get her some coffee at Starbucks. Then we came home and had breakfast and now it's timer for morning naps.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

First Blog

Blog rhymes with dog. Hmmm. This is my first blog. I am blogging to keep track of my days until my mom comes home.

Today was a good day. We went to the park twice. Yesterday it rained but we still went to the park once but the day before that .... NO PARK!! AAAACCCKKKKKKK *THUD*

I got some new toys today too - one is a George Bush toy, one is a combat boot and one is a combat hat. I already lost 2 of them in the backyard but I will send Aunt Beth out tomorrow to find them.

Time to sleep. More soon.
