Friday, February 29, 2008

My spring wardrobe...

Although it appears that spring may never ever come again, I have decided to at least start thinking about my spring wardrobe. I think this hat could work ... perhaps with a pair of khakis and some leather sandals. Or some white linen shorts. Ahhhh puts me in mind of mint juleps, truly a springtime drink. I am so fond of springtime. The smells, the mud, the melting of ice and snow followed by finding long-forgotten treasures in the yard. And there is the rolling in smelly things to look forward to. Annie and Teddy like to do this as well as dig up old stuff in the dirt. It will come, it can't be that far...


This is me talking
Sometimes I am hard to understand
I am never hard to hear....
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008


This is my portrait. Am I not the handsomest of the handsome? I have to confess that I am waiting for the girls to notice me. I have always been a debonair international bachelor type dude, but alas, I too get lonely for companionship with the softer sex. Perhaps someone to share my... well, share.... well I can't share my tennis ball.... or my toys..... well maybe a couple of the toys but not my food nono not my treats either... ummmm well ok I will share the park with her and we can runrunrun but she just has to have her own ball that's all sorry about that.....and also no chewing on my ears please.....

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Look who's crazy now! narrated by me!!

So this is a video of Teddy and Gracie (she is the new dog living with Tania). I think they are trying to kill each other and maybe even me!! And you thought I was the crazy one???!!!! You ain't seen nothin' yet!!!


Hey Happy Valentine's Day to everybody especially my mama who is very far away right now ... we are thinking about you. It is cold here today so AuntBeth put this beanie on my head and then she put a heart sticker on the beanie. She thinks she is creative and we just have to go with it so she doesn't get upset and have a meltdown or something cause you know how she is. She says we (me and Annie and Teddy) are her valentines. I sure hope that means we get special treats today. And I hope it doesn't mean we have to try to get her a present or something although we could try to kill a squirrel for her. We can't dig anything up because it's frozen out there and there's snow all over the place. But maybe in the spring we can dig up an old chewy for her or something.
Ok well take care and we are sending lots of love out to everybody today!!