Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Now what?????

This is too much. We just had a big fat snowstorm, there's not a rabbit in sight and so she wants me to look like one? I think she needs help. I am a lot of things but I am definitely not a bunny rabbit. In fact, if I ever encountered a bunny rabbit, I hesitate to tell you what I might do to it. Do I look cute in bunny ears? Well...sure I do. But that is beside the point. If she gives me a basket and tells me to go looking for eggs, I am going to run away and join the circus.
Take care and be safe,

Friday, March 7, 2008


Today is Teddy's 5th GotchaDay!! Happy GotchaDay big guy - we are sure glad we found you!! You are a very good boy and we love you very much!!
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Playing in the park with my hero Trooper

This is me and my friend Trooper playing with his toy (it is his toy but I would like it to be mine mine mine). I like to help him find it and I am very good at doing that but I never take the toy mainly because I always must have a ball in my mouth. I love to play with Trooper - he is my favorite park buddy.