Wednesday 11/14 saying hi... well in my sleep
Just wanted to post to say hi to my mama who commented on my blog a couple of days ago and who we miss very much and hope she is safe and doesn't have bugs or lizards in her house. I don't like bugs. I am still recovering from whatever happened to my paw/leg. The vetman xrayed it and felt it a lot which hurt and said no breaks but probably bruised on the paw and arthritis in my leg so now I have to take a pill in the morning (it tastes pretty good ssshhhhh well Annie knows cause she wants it) and we are not going to the park so I can rest it (yeahright). Last night AuntBeth did something really mean and took Annie and Teddy to the park and left Zoey and mememe here at the house! by ourselves!! and didn't take us!!! I did not like that at all and I even cried but i was ok as soon as they came home. I hope they don't ever do that again. AuntBeth starts her new job today. We hope she hates it and comes right back home where she belongs.
Take care, love,
1 comment:
I miss you at the park in the morning. The only "normal" dog that likes to chase my ball with me is Ace. We both know he's not normal...he's a puppy.
I hope you're feeling better and can come run soon.
Your bud,
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