This is Isabella (Izzy). She is our new baby sister and believe me it is a really good thing that she is behind that fence because she is TROUBLE!! I try my best to keep her in line but it is not easy because she wants to eat everything including my ears and Teddy's ears and all my toys and even our chipmunks and sticks!! And she keeps getting bigger so it's very scary. She was very tiny at first so I could keep her in line pretty easily but now her paws are almost as big as mine!! I think maybe AuntBeth should stop feeding her. AuntBeth wants me to say that me and Teddy do secretly like her and I guess I should because most of the time we do like her and let her sleep with us and we even give her kisses sometimes. Well, we have to we can't help it and also frankly we're worried she's going to takeover pretty soon so we need her to like us - she can be pretty scary.
I guess that's all for now - pretty big change here - HI MAMA!!!!!